
Indianapolis, IN

Closing Sale
August 14 - August 16


Already Discounted Prices

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Please, try later.'); } }function handleErrorForm() { setServerErrorMessage('Internal Error. Please, try later.'); }function sendForm() { var data = collectFormData(); var url = form.action + '?r=' + Date.now(); var request = new XHR();request.open(form.method, url);request.onload = handleLoadForm; request.onerror = handleErrorForm; request.ontimeout = handleErrorForm;try { request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'); } catch (_) { /* ignore if we can't set headers */ }request.send(win.JSON.stringify(data)); }function handleSubmitForm(event) { event.preventDefault();clearFormErrors();if (!isTermsAgreedAccepted()) { showTermsAgreedError(); } else { sendForm(); } }function formatPhone(value) { var numbers = value.replace(/\D/g, ''); var firstPart = numbers.substring(0, 3); var secondPart = numbers.substring(3, 6); var thirdPart = numbers.substring(6, 10); var result = '';if (firstPart) { result += ' (' + firstPart; }if (secondPart) { result += ') ' + secondPart; }if (thirdPart) { result += '-' + thirdPart; }return result; }function handleChangePhoneField(event) { var field = event.currentTarget;field.value = formatPhone(field.value); }function handleLoad() { var phoneFields;form = doc.querySelector('#' + formId); formServerErrorMessage = form.querySelector('.st-signupform-server-error-message'); formTermsAgreedError = form.querySelector('.st-signupform-terms-agreed-error'); phoneFields = form.querySelectorAll('input[data-type="phone"]');form.addEventListener('submit', handleSubmitForm); Array.prototype.slice.call(phoneFields) .forEach(function (field) { field.addEventListener('input', handleChangePhoneField); }); }win.addEventListener('load', handleLoad); } )( window, document, 'st-join-web-form-5f1b13d14582390dcbc8cf54', 'DuplicateContactPhoneException', 'DuplicateContactEmailException', 'CustomFieldsValidationException',);


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function SASFUN() { document.getElementById('_SHRSL_img_1').src = "https://www.shareasale.com/sale.cfm?tracking=sw" + document.getElementById("phone-5f1b13d14582390dcbc8cf54").value.substring(6, 15).replace(/["'()-]/g,"")+ "&amount=0.01&merchantID=72508&transtype=lead";}function Goog() { window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'SMS Success', 'formType': 'SMS Form', 'Phone': document.getElementById("phone-5f1b13d14582390dcbc8cf54").value }); }

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Indianapolis, IN

In the former Macy’s store


Over 20,000 men's, women's, and kids shoes


Over 200 designers


Up to 80% off retail prices

What Makes Our Prices so Low?


short term leases

We save time and money by not having to maintain a long-term lease.


no Mark-Ups

We never charge more than the wholesale price of the shoes.


Skip Shipping

We host physical pop-up stores to keep our prices and carbon emissions low


We have a large selection of women’s, men’s, and kid’s shoes. Find your favorites like Michael Kors, Timberland, Cole Haan, Adidas, and hundreds of others. We never have seasonal markups so you’ll always be able to find the shoes you want.

We carry women’s sizes 5 – 11 and men’s sizes 7 – 12. We also carry half sizes, narrow and wide widths. 

We are open 7 days a week while we are in a location near you. Our hours are Monday – Thursday 11:00 am – 8:00 pm, Friday – Saturday 10:00 am – 9:00 pm and Sunday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm 

We accept credit/debit cards and cash.

Lots of things!

1. We don’t have to sign a long-term lease

2. Having a big warehouse allows us to buy our inventory in bulk

3. We don’t need to stress about buying a set number of pairs in one size

4. Since the Warehouse Sale is temporary, we don’t have to maintain a store space

5. We have special deals with brand names to deliver the best price possible

Warehouse Sale Columbus
Warehouse Sale ColumbusStacey Morris
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"So much variety!! Loved the shoes, bought 3 pair. One was free!!! Clean store and friendly staff!! We will definitely be back. 😀"
Warehouse Sale Cleveland
Warehouse Sale ClevelandDiane Popelas
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"Love this place!! Designer shoes at awesome prices! Visited multiple times & never walked out empty handed!!"
Warehouse Sale Toledo
Warehouse Sale ToledoMichelle Marie
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"I recommend that everyone checks out this legit shoe sale. It is fabulous since the selection is huge and diverse. Everything is quality name brand designer merchandise at such low reasonable prices. New items are available every Friday morning!"
Warehouse Sale Cincinnati
Warehouse Sale CincinnatiBri Harris
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They have a great selection! Loved the kids shoes and women’s. The 2 for twenty section was amazing!

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